Christmas 2009

Our Christmas started with the 5pm Mass at St. Patrick's.  We did not arrive early enough and had to stand along the wall.  There were a lot of families in our same predicament.  Mia noticed 3 girls sitting on the floor next to us, they were about 8 years old.  Two looked like sisters and one looked Chinese.  Here is the conversation I had the pleasure to overhear.

Mia: Standing in front of and looking at the Asian girl, "You are Chinese.  Are you from China?"
Cute Chinese girl: "Yes, I'm Chinese from China."
Mia:  "mumble, mumble, mumble" as Mia does when she not quite sure what to say.
Chinese girl: "Oh, I'm from China, but I do not speak Chinese."

SOOO Cute!  Mia must have sounded like she was speaking Chinese with her mumblings and the girl was so sweet to her.

I though young children did not see color or ethnicity.  I guess I was wrong.

Gotcha Day!

I can't believe its been two years since we first met this little girl.  Christmas is forever changed for us as a family.  I know the holidays are different when you have kids, but for us its more than that.  Being handed a child to care for on Christmas Eve, then signing the official papers in China on Christmas day was so extra special.  How can any gift, any thing ever wrapped or given be as awesome as Mia.  Nothing can.  Christmas is a nice addition to what is the most wonderful day of my life!
Mia grows and changes in leaps and bounds.  She is happy and healthy.  We are so lucky for those two things alone and that does not even begin to describe her.  She loves to pretend and has an awesome imagination.  At any given time you are not sure if you're getting a kitty, a bunny or a baby that needs to be rocked and given a "bottle".  She crawls and makes animal noises and will even try to lick you if you don't stop her in time!  She loves Cinderella and would watch the movie over and over if you let her.  She plays dress-up in her Halloween pink skirt, magic wand and black ballet shoes.  She sings and twirls and basically demands your attention (we're working on the demanding part).  Mia is finally loving school and goes without a problem.  She barely says goodbye to me and she walking in her room stating "here I am"!  These past two weeks of Christmas break have been fun, but I know she misses school and her teachers.  She does not talk about any special friends at school yet, but I'm sure that's coming soon!  Mia is assertive and knows what she wants.  She is stubborn and has a grip like no other when she is holding onto something you want.  With age and experience we are all learning new ways to handle these traits that are her personality and are essential to her making her way in this world.  Its hard to deal with a strong willed two year old, but there is nothing wrong with a grown woman who "knows what she wants" as we have heard from her teacher.  I love the fact that Mia feels like she can and she will stand up for herself.  We just need to keep her safe and teach her to mind other peoples feelings along the way.  I know she will do just fine.  Mia is loving and caring and is not afraid to tell you "I love you so much and I missed you" to friends and family she has not seen in a while.  She gives out the hugs freely and makes friends where ever we go.  
Mia, you are my sweet, sweet baby and I love you more each day.  Happy Gotcha Day!

Mia's First Christmas Show

Mia's teacher walks her in.  I quickly notice she does not have her snowflake costume on.  Glad to see her teachers "choose their battles too".  Mia is pointing at "her Nancy."

Mia is trying to make her way over to me.  She definitely has stage fright now, but she looks cute in her new dress!

Eliza (in purple) does all she can to get Mia to sing and participate, but it was not to be.  I know she knew the songs as I heard them a couple times at home.  It was very cute and I can't wait till the show in May!

This was a great shot taken on 12/20/09.  Mia puts on the goggles and decides to pose for a photo.  Now mind you, if I ever try to get her to pose, she'll have none of it.  This should have been my Christmas card!

Get your "noculars"!

We made an impromptu visit to our local "Holiday Light's" celebration tonight.  We found ourselves finished with dinner at 6pm and the thought of 3 hours cooped up sounded less than ideal so off we went.  I looked horrible with my frizzy hair in a clip so, of course, I saw like 5 people I knew!  Anyway, Mia was ready for the night and to make sure she could see she used her pretend "noculars" (binoculars of course).  The lights were set to music and quite pretty.  Mia had much more fun with a bubble machine in the vending area!

Bathtub conversation

Mr Frog: Hello there, whats you're name?
Cutie Patootie: I am Mia.
F: Do you like like my green body?
CP: Yes, I like your jina (as in va-j j)
F: Oh, Um (throat clears) thank you
CP: I have a jina too.
F: Yes you do.  I'm off to my lily pad.
CP: Bye Froggie.

You never know what you're going to get!  LOL

So Thankful

We had a nice Thanksgiving this year.  It was just the four of us (Mum came too) and was very relaxing.  We started with the traditional hand prints on the Thanksgiving tablecloth.  I am doing this every year with Mia and she loves that permanent paint!  I should have stripped her naked, but we survived with just a little paint on our legs along with the tablecloth.  The girls also made cookies.  It was mostly Mom and I at the end but Mia now gets the idea.  Poor kid didn't even know what sprinkles were!  At dinner we said a prayer and went around the table to give Thanks.  Mia couldn't wait to tell us that she was thankful for "animals, macaroni and cheese and Muck."  (Muck is her cousin Michael.)  This was so cute and she really understood the concept.  She truly LOVES all three of those things.  We also cruised up to Orlando for a day at Animal Kingdom, a night in a hotel and lunch with our Orlando family, Matt, Catherine, Matthew and Michael.  Today is Mia's photo shoot with Santa so hopefully that goes as well. 

Goodbye Gator

I'm so sad about the loss of my cat Gator.  He was so old and these last couple years were so tough I really thought I would find some comfort in him not suffering anymore.  Not yet, I miss him.  Gator was the sweetest cat.  He never hurt anyone and was gentle and loving every day.  He was a bit of a scaredy cat at times but I think that's what made him so sweet too.  I thought he would never survive without me on our 19 day trip to China but he did fine.  He was so good with Mia and accepted her from day 1.  He let her carry him and pet him.  She would lay next to him while he ate and even sampled his chicken at times, in her own bowl of course.  I know in time it will get easier, but for now I am just so sad.

     Cross that rainbow bridge Gator.  I know you are not hurting anymore and you can run, play, chase snakes and cuddle with Blanche.  We will never forget you.  Thank you for being my cat.

10/01/90 - 11/19/09